Sunday, January 28, 2007

Oh boy!

I've just realised that I haven't posted all year yet - I wish I could say I've been busy but that really isn't true. Truth is, even though it's only January, it's already been a huge year of change for us, with lots more to come.

I'm battling my own personal demons at the moment - I wish that 'black dog' would just up and go away, but he seems to have decided that my mind and body are a good cozy home for the moment. I'm trying, but it's a very big hole that I've let myself get into - so I think it's going to take some time to get out of there. I have read some fabulous accounts of this written by people much more eloquent than me - and when I find the links I will post them here for those that are interested.

Also, and this is a positive thing, I am now on 3 months long service leave from my dead end job! This is my time to try and fix myself, my family, and work on my slowly growing Stampin' Up! business. Hopefully so that I don't have to actually go back again! If that happens it will be PARTY TIME.....

Anyway, if you've got this far - congratulations! I can't believe that you've wanted to read all this drivel LOL! I will be posting again very soon - have started to write out goals and hopes and dreams to try and work my way towards them - once something is written down it becomes much more concrete and achievable (in my mind anyway).

So my apologies to anyone waiting on a swap or 3 from me, I am starting to work on all these now.

To my lovely gorgeous Stampin' Up! customers, friends, downlines and sidelines, and online buddies - thank you for all that you have done for me this past year, that really has been one light in my life - to have found all these people through my passion for papercrafting and to have made so many gorgeous friends.

Bye for now (not for long ;))


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,
Just popped by whilst still in SA,(going home tomorrow) I'm so happy to see you've posted a new entry. Take heart my friend, I know that 'black dog' well and he's a bit of a 'b' hey? I'll catch up with you as soon as I get back to Sydney. Glad to read you are on long service leave, you go friend, this is your year!! Keep that positive thought and run with it babe!!
love and hugs
Wirg x x

Anonymous said...

Tracey......I'd hoped to see an entry from you. Started to get worried. You know sometimes you need to just put one bloody foot in front of the other ..... then eventually it won't become a chore. You need to make this 3 months work for you, every day of it! Chin up.....the muscles will get stronger and then it will stay up by itself.

Anonymous said...

good luck Tracey. l'm sure you've heard me blathering on about my black dog many a time now, so l won;t bore you with th details, but l soooo know where you are coming from :-(
Get yourself off to the docs!!!

Unknown said...

Hey AT... welcome back to bloggy land.

Hope your three months are fabulous and that everything works out so it can be longer than that!!!

Go bite that black dog back!

Jen said...

I, for one, like reading your drivel! Go girl, and kick that black dog's butt!

Steph said...

thinking of you lovie :)

Big hugs and cuddles


Narelle said...

Big Hugs AT! Congrats on having the courage to openly admit that things are crap sometimes!

Take time to care for yourself!

Bon said...

Hey Tracey

Hope you can tame that black dog and take back your life fully. We can always wait for swaps ;)


Leonie Schroder said...

Trace ... big hugs to you ... you know i'm here for you and have been where you are ... take one day at a time. XX Leonie

Claire said...

Great to find your blog Tracey - look forward to sharing the ups and downs of this year with you (and see that black dog wimpering back to his kennel). You go girl :)

Deborah said...

Hi Tracey,

Hope this year turns out to be fantastic for you. Take each day as it comes and conquer it one step at a time.

3 months off sounds absolutely heaven. Yay~!!

Deanne Stewart-Mills said...

Hi AT. Just saying hi. That black dog sure gets around doesn't he! Hoping to pop in and see you often during your long service leave. Your "drivel" is pretty easy to read. At least you're blogging!

See you one day soon.
Many hugs to you.